Friday, February 20, 2015

Denver - business travel

Traveled to Denver for work this week. Kind of short notice for this trip. My employer has a new travel website for booking air and hotel. I could not get it to work so booked the whole thing with a real person at American Express Travel. It was so pleasant to speak to actual person.

It was snowing in Denver when the plane landed. Temps were on the upper 20's. Folks were griping about the cold but I left Minneapolis at -3.
the snowy top of parking garage across from the office

By Wednesday it was 50 degrees with warm sunshine so I ducked out of work at 4:30 to go for a run along Cherry Creek. It was so nice.

Thursday was even warmer. At lunch they opened the windows at the lunch restaurant. It was so nice.

Back in Minneapolis it was 7 degrees when we landed at 8:30pm!

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