Thursday, February 5, 2015

Costa Rica - another quick update (short)

We made it back to San José (Santo Domingo), our starting point, this afternoon. We spent one night at a cloud forest resort named Villa Blanca. A cloud forest is similar to a rain forest except instead of your typical heat, humidity and heavy rain the forest is at a higher elevation and usually on a sloping terrain such that it is actually in the clouds. Probably more what we would call fog but the clouds engulf the terrain which means everything is wet pretty much all the time.

Amazingly the flora and fauna are very similar to the coastal rain forest except it is generally cooler and, in the case of our visit, it was extremely cloudy and wet.

The clouds in the cloud forest

Moss collecting the cloud's water

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

You may be surprused to learn that I wrote a report in third grade about the 3-toed sloth! Strangely, the one thing I remember from the World Book entry, which I relied on heavily, was their favorite position-- lying on their backs on a high branch, one arm dangling, staring into space.

Not so strangely, I realuzed that I was reading your post while lying on my back on my long couch, with one arm dangling....

The pictures are wonderful. Make sure you get emails and addresses from the group. You never know if there might be a Liz and Donna out there!

Adventure is out there!!