Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween and Fall Fun

We missed the Trail of Terror last year but not this time. The haunted hay ride has been replaced by a haunted walk in the wood... and it was.

Christine, Kay, Jan and I screamed and laughed until we sweated. It was an absolutely beautiful night.

The haunted maze and trailers were also so much fun. It was good to let out the energy.
 Trish and I kept with the black and white theme for this year's Monster Dash. Trish was Sleeping Beauty and I was Malefecent (a la Angelina Jolie).

We met up with a friend of Trish's that was dressed as Flames. Trish gave her the name Smoldering Tinders.
There are still flowers blooming in the backyard. These little daisy like flowers are glorious in the afternoon sun.

Planning on canning applesauce tonight. Still have tons of apples. Finally picked the last couple of buckets off the tree. The squirrels were feasting.

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