Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween and Fall Fun

We missed the Trail of Terror last year but not this time. The haunted hay ride has been replaced by a haunted walk in the wood... and it was.

Christine, Kay, Jan and I screamed and laughed until we sweated. It was an absolutely beautiful night.

The haunted maze and trailers were also so much fun. It was good to let out the energy.
 Trish and I kept with the black and white theme for this year's Monster Dash. Trish was Sleeping Beauty and I was Malefecent (a la Angelina Jolie).

We met up with a friend of Trish's that was dressed as Flames. Trish gave her the name Smoldering Tinders.
There are still flowers blooming in the backyard. These little daisy like flowers are glorious in the afternoon sun.

Planning on canning applesauce tonight. Still have tons of apples. Finally picked the last couple of buckets off the tree. The squirrels were feasting.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Big Gay Race

Another run this month... the Big Gay Race... fundraiser for MN United. Not as big a turn out this year but a nice cool fall morning in downtown Minneapolis.

Our costume theme was The Wizard of Oz and Trish came up with great costumes. We were probably asked 20 times for our photo or to have someone's photo taken with us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Found beauty

I decided to get a coffee from the Dunn Brothers in the downtown Hennepin County Library. The library is across the corner from my office.

It was early and the sun was rising. The shadows cast on the ceiling and walls in the block long atrium was so beautiful.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Heavy frost

There was a little frost yesterday and I hadn't covered the geraniums. Thanks to James and Rose, I got them covered last night. Just in time because this morning there was a heavy frost. The apple barrel had a skim of ice. Our first heavy frost of the season.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Twin Cities 10 Miler

I got up before 5am this morning to run the Twin Cities Marathon 10 Miler. As part of the Twin Cities Marathon events, there is a 10 mile run from Minneapolis to St. Paul. The start and finish are the same as for the marathon but instead of running through the two cities park systems, it is a more direct route.

This was the longest distance I have run (other than walking through a couple of water stations)without any walking .

I was shooting for a 10 min/mile pace but ended with a much faster pace of 8:36.

You can view my results at this web site:

The start was in the dark before sunrise.

Finish at the capitol in St. Paul.
The route.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Apple Fest 2014

The Second Annual Apple Fest was held on Sunday, September 28. Good turn out, good food and good fun.

JT and Linda drove their new "old" car... an apple read 1950 Ford... perfect. Apple bobbing was back and a new game, pin-the-stem on the apple. That was Bunny's idea.

It was an amazingly beautiful day. People brought fun and good apple-inspired treats. I made an apple pie and the really good apple cake.

Kay couldn't make it this year so I dived in.

Bunny getting the bobbing bucket ready.

JT and Linda's new "old" car... an apple red Ford!

Christine, Michele and Jon before Michele stepped into the water feature.

Bunny brought pin the stem on the apple.

More photos on my Facebook Apple Fest Album.