Saturday, August 9, 2014

BWCAW Annual Trip - or Half-Assed Knot (Day 3 - Saturday August 1)

Saturday was another beautiful day. Not too far from camp was the portage to East and West Pike Lake.  Half way on the portage is the Border Trail. We were not going to portage the kayaks because that is tricky so we paddled to the portage and hiked the Border Trail to the West Pike Lake overview.

We found out where the mosquitos were. They were on this portage and trail. Mosquitos absolutely love me unfortunately. At least by the time we got up into the trail the mosquitos calmed down.

The trail has a lot of elevation changes... most of them steep. We walked through a beautiful pine forest section and had two amazing lookouts. The final one was of West Pike Lake.
West Pike Lake

Trying to capture the height and majesty of these beautiful pine trees

When we got back to camp, we decided to play around in the water. I tried swim and swamping the Canak. Brian practiced using a paddle float to self-rescue. Jenny did her 15 minutes of swimming. And I tried the Rob Row portage yoke.

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