Wednesday, August 6, 2014

BWCAW Annual Trip - or Half-Assed Knot (Day 1 - Thursday July 30)

This year's Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, BWCAW, trip was last week.  This time it was just 3 instead of the usual 4. So we decided to use kayaks instead of canoes. Kayaks meant we needed to be more careful of how much we packed. Kayaks generally have less storage space. It turns out there are hybrid canoe-kayak vessels.  So we rented a Rob-Roy and a Canak...both are hybrids. You'll see pictures later.

We also decided to enter and journey in an area that Jenny was not familiar with. We went up the Arrowhead Trail to enter at MacFarlane Lake. If you look at a map of Minnesota, the upper east portion wraps around the top of Lake Superior and looks like an arrowhead.

MacFarland Lake is a public lake with cabins mostly on one side. We entered on the east side and paddled west. The western tip joins with Pine Lake which is the entrance to the BWCA.

Pink Lake is very long...7 1/2 miles and only a mile wide it is widest. There was a bit of a head wind which we had been warned about. Also, there are not many camping sites on the lake and we were really banking on staying here and not having to portage.

We had a campsite chosen from the map but when we got there, we did not like the location. It was in the trees which meant little breeze and lots of mosquitos. We headed to the next site. On the way two bald eagles landed in trees right next to the shore. It is always awesome to see eagles up close.

While we were distracted by the eagles another pair of canoeist showed up. Jenny and I set off for the next campsite because we didn't want to lose it. It turned out to be a fantastic site and we got it.

The long 4 hour paddle ended with a quick campsite set up. Jenny cast her fishing line right from our shore and on the second cast caught a really nice small-mouthed bass. Thinking it was going to be an easy dinner, this one was tossed back in. It turned out to be our last chance.

The lake was fantastic and the day had been long so we ended with a fun time in the water.

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