Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cabin fever - needed a project

I am going crazy with this winter and mostly with the cold. It was 17 degrees this morning! I know I live in Minnesota and the winters are long but this winter has been for the record books. And those are coldest records. I figured I needed a project to work on and it had to be outdoors. Didn't know what it was going to be so I went to Menards, our local big box home improvement center. What I came up with was the garage dusk-dawn motion detecting light. I really wanted an LED light but none of the fixtures were labeled to use an LED bulb. The lighting staff at Menards was great. No one was sure it the fixtures and bulb would work so they got a dimmable LED and put it in one of the display fixtures. Voila! It worked. I was going to go with a Mission style fixture then saw one that was similar to my street lamp style front outdoors light. When I got home it looked like the new feature was too tall and it was. But I was able to take a section out of the top finial to make it fit. It was cold but I got it done. Now to wait for dusk.

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