Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The night the lights went out

Well, it wasn't really night.  I couldn't sleep so got up early.  It was still dark out.  There was a rare rain in Denver.  I was in the bathroom when the lights flickered.  Once.  Twice.  Out.

It was pitch black in the bathroom.  It was nearly just as dark in the rest of the room.  I couldn't really see much of anything and debated about going back to bed.  Instead I downloaded a flashlight app on my phone.

The flashlight app included a lightbulb feature.  I used that to shave, brush my teeth and the other tasks to get ready for work.

Backup systems meant the hallway and stairwelll lights were on.  Ibgot down the seven flights, grabbed a cab, and got to the office by 7am.

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