Tuesday, July 10, 2012

(Bent) Oak Tree

I was originally just going to post the following picture of a squirrel on the oak tree with a caption that I get what I deserve for planting an acorn-producing tree in my backyard.

But he following day it was apparent that something had happened to the oak tree -- it was bent over rather dramatically. The pictures don't really show the full extent so I've drawn a red line to show the curve.

And the mystery of what bent the tree continues as the twine that was being used to support the tree against the predominately west wind has disappeared.

UPDATE - Tuesday evening:  When I came home this afternoon, the oak tree was swaying wildly...AND I KNOW WHY!?  A squirrel was pulling on the twine support!! The squirrel was gathering up the twine and had a huge mouthful.  So I think it was a squirrel pulling on the twine support that caused the bend in the tree!

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