Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Annual Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness trip

Starting off from Sawbill Outfiitters on Sawbill Lake.  July 13.
Portaging over a beaver dam
Typical campsite activities...reading and fishing and relaxing
Female or juvenile merganser ducks.
Having fun in the lake...lots of swimming
Day trip to Frost Lake with a sandy beach
Day trip past "face rock"
Julie with all our eggs intact
Jenny on rock on rock
Sitting on the rock on the rock
The rock on rock...red circle is the little rock that is holding the bigger rock on the giant rock...the blue circle is the trunk of the tree somehow growing out of the giant rock
Day trip...fern rock
Julie in campsite
Getting ready to leave in the rain
Back at Sawbill.  July 16.
Part of our gear (tent, rain fly and tarps) spread out at Jenny and Andrew's cabin to dry.
The other part of our gear.
It was a fantastic trip.  Left from Sawbill Lake on Friday, July 13.  Our destination was Cherokee Lake, a beautiful lake with enormous boulders, rock walls and mature trees.

The weather was forecast to be sketchy with high probability of rain.  We lucked out for the most part.  No rain until Monday when we paddled back to civilization.

The pictures tell the visual story but what you can't experience are all the different birds we saw and heard.  Saw several loons, various types of ducks, seagulls, bald eagles doing aerial acrobats and an osprey.  Heard so many song birds it was magical.

  • Had a fun encounter with a frog.
  • The flies were irritating but manageable.
  • The mosquitoes won out as we had to take shelter in the tent every evening.

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