Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mouse trapped

Got home this evening to find the mouse trip over by the door between the kitchen and the dining room.  It was by the refrigerator.  I thought may be Uno had tried to get the peanut butter out of it.

Turns out there was a mouse trapped in it.  The trap is one of those that gets the mouse completely in the device and you just throw away the entire thing.  The mouse was so smooshed and didn't weigh hardly anything that I couldn't tell there was a dead one in there until I finally saw the tale and butt.

I assume the cats are the ones that got the trap from the refrig to the door.

I haven't been posting because work in Charlotte is long long hours and tiring.  This week I got up at 5am my time to get to the airport for my flight.  The security lines at MSP on Monday mornings are rediculously long so have to plan to get to the airport extra early.

I get to the client office in Charlotte about noon Easter time.  The team worked until 8pm Monday night because we had an additional training session. 

Tuesday got in early at 7:30am and worked until almost 6:30pm.  Ate at the hotel bar and then went up to executive lounge to do some more work while watching tv.

Wednesday left the hotel a little late because I over slept.  Traffic was crazy because of an accident on a different interstate.  Didn't get to the office until after 8am.  Worked until 6pm.

Got to the office early this morning for a 7:30am meeting.  Left for the airport a little before 5:30pm.  Got home about a half hour ago.  It is only Thursday and we are supposed to work a full day tomorrow yet only bill the client a 40 hours.

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