Thursday, September 1, 2011 known as Century Link

I found out from my brother that my home phone was not working.  I don't generally take incoming calls on my landline and primarily only use it for work conference calls.

I couldn't call the operator (0) to get help.  I get my phone bill electronically so went on line to look for a service call number.  Luckily I found it fairly quickly.

I called the technical services number and the agony was off and running.  There was no way to speak to actual way.  It was a completely computerized voice prompt system.  I tried the zero, zero, zero technique....nope.  I tried the "agent", "agent", "agent" technique.....nope.  You are required to answer a series of questions and press 1 or 2.  I ended up with a problem ticket...I wasn't really clear.  The voice said my phone would be fixed by end-of-day 8/31.  This was on Monday.

I didn't really know what to expect.  Finally, yesterday, 8/31, a couple of guys showed up.  My cell phone rang about 4pm.  Guy said he was in the back to fix the phone.  Okay.

I head to the backyard.  There's two guys in shirts and jeans in a black pickup trunk.  Nothing says anything about "telephone company."  I considered asking for identification but figured they're in the backyard, let 'em at it.

They ended up replacing the wire from the pole to the house.  Then reconnected one wire to the box on the outside of the house. Said they were done.

I checked the phone.  There was now a dial tone.  I tried calling the home phone from my cell phone.  The recorded message that the "system was not available due to telephone facility problem" was still there.  I told the guy as he was getting in his truck to leave.  He said it was a computer thing and he'd contact the systems people to turn off the message.  I went for my run.

I got back about half hour later and the guys were back.  I guess it turned out to be something else.  The guy said it was my answering machine.  The my answering machine had a message that said the system was down because of the telephone company!!!??? Really!!!??  I don't think so.

Finally they said they needed to come into the house to check.  That meant I was going to get charged.  Okay, Okay.  We all know my house is over 100 years old...and so is the phone wiring.  They get at the spider web of wires in the basement.  Oh, there's a short.  It is this one line...the one I'm using so I'll have to move my phone.  I don't think so!  I tell him to fix it!  I'm already being charged for them coming into the house.  We are now 3 hours into this ordeal.

He replaces the jack in the sun room...the only one in the house I use.  And I guess they replace some of the wires in the basement because they leave a wad of wires on the floor.  They high-tail it out almost before I can check if it is really working.

I just could not believe this is what is called "service" from the phone company.  Of course, I can't tell anyone there because you are not allowed to talk to actual person.


Anonymous said...

What a nightmare. I'm so sorry for you.

CenturyLink Help said...

Hello Jeff, this is B with the CenturyLink Help Team. I'm really sorry to hear that this is the experience you've had with us. I may be wrong, but it sounds like your service is working now.

I wanted to reach out to you and see if there is anything else you may need help with. If there is anything I can do for you, e-mail me at, and I'll be happy to help.

Thanks Jeff,

CenturyLink Help Team