Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another great Boundary Waters trip

We picked up the canoes on our way up to Jenny and Andrew's cabin on Wednesday.
We saw several bald eagles on this trip.  \

Our first animal sighting as we put-in at Homer Lake, was of a bald eagle flying across the lake.
The forest ranger said we would see a lot of beaver action.  She was right on.

This huge lodge was located right on a portage.  Behind it is a very large and impressive dam.

Only saw two beavers though there were several lodges along our route.
Jenny caught her first walleye.

Jenny is hook shy so she swung the fish to me.  It flipped itself off the hook so it was my job to make sure he didn't flip itself right out of the canoe.

I estimated at 2-3 lbs. Brian did a fantastic job filleting and we ate very well that night.

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