Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring is springing

The rabbitt-tulip-squirrel battle continues.  I think the only way to really get the upper edge is to plant more.

The ones that are surviving the attacks are truly beautiful

This is Rock Cress Arabis or common name "Snowfix" - ironic, heh?

There are two next to each other in the new bed created by the patio project.

This is just one plant is probably a 1 1/2 feet in diameter.  I love these two.

Nothing like a Bleeding Heart to represent Spring.

I've doctored this picture to blur out the house in the background.  This Bleeding Heart is a relative of the original one I got from my neighbor when I moved into the house.

That one died but fortunately I'd given some of the babies to Martha who then gave me this one a couple of years ago.

It has come full circle....like Spring!

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