Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nephew back from Iraq

My sister called me yesterday to let me know that my nephew, Ken, was in Wisconsin for de-mobilization and would be flying out of Minneapolis/St. Paul airport today.

I went to the airport this morning expecting to have to have him paged. I also thought I'd stop at the Armed Services lounge. My cell phone rang as I was driving up the airport parking ramp. I fumbled the phone and disconnected the caller.

My phone rang again as I was parking and was able to answer it. It was Ken. He was in the Armed Services lounge.

It was incredibly great to see Ken. I hadn't realized how anxious I was about his being over in Iraq until I got to see him back over here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! welcome home, ken, and let's hope you don't go anywhere else soon!