Sunday, September 21, 2008

Traveling this week

Back to Dallas on Monday.

I messed up my friends going to Spring Green, Wisconsin this Friday. On Tuesday last week when I checked for flights to Dallas (Mon - Thurs) the airfare was over $1,000.00. I told the project manager that I needed to come back on Thursday because Friday was a vacation day for me. I figured I would check later in the week to see if prices had gone down as they often do.

So I checked on Thursday and the same flights were now priced a little under $900.00. Then forgetting about my Friday plans I checked for early departure times. Flight leaving Minneapolis at 6am and returning Friday at 7am was priced at $384.00! Still forgetting about Friday plans to go to Spring Green, Wisconsin, I booked it.

My apologies to my friends. It is my fault we are leaving at 10:300/11:00am instead of 9:30am. Enjoy the extra hour and sleep in.

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