Monday, September 8, 2008

Republican National Convention (RNC) - Gitmo

No, I didn't attend the RNC. I did finally go over to St. Paul to see Amnesty International's display of a Guantanamo (Gitmo) terrorist cell. They had the display in Denver at the Democrats' convention, too.

I was expecting to be outraged by some awful, cramped and dirty box. I wasn't. It wasn't dirty. It was small but not cramped. It was a Minnesota evening and not a hot and humid day in Cuba so that probably was not how it would really feel.

At the risk of offending at least half of the people who may read this (and I don't generally get political - at least not on my blog), I was reminded of the cell and its seclusion when the next night I listened to Senator McCain recount his story of being a prisoner of war. He talked about how much he loved his country due to his experience as a POW. I wonder if the men being held in gitmo feel the same way about their country.

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