Thursday, March 6, 2008

I guess I'm just not lucky

Another snowy afternoon in Dallas. My 8pm flight was cancelled at 10:30am. I switched to the 2:25pm flight thinking that would be early enough. By the time I got to the airport the flight was moved to 2:55pm.

We boarded the plan at about 2:30 so it was looking pretty good. Once on the plane the flight departure was moved to 3:00pm...then 3:30pm...then 4:00pm then CANCELLED.

All airplanes that were parked at the gate were told to cancel. There were too many planes lined up waiting to be de-iced so it wasn't worth it for any more planes to get in line.

I have re-booked for tomorrow night. The snow is supposed to be over by morning.

Tomorrow is another day.

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