Monday, March 31, 2008

6 - 8 inches of snow

Back to Dallas today. They are predicting 6 - 8 inches of snow in Minneapolis from today through tomorrow evening. Snow to start between 8:00 and 10:00am. My flight is at 9:05am. Hopefully we get out on time.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just the mention of 40 degrees

Just the mention of 40 degrees and people are in t-shirts and shorts! Even if it isn't that temperature yet!

Back to Dallas this week. Should be a good deal warmer down there than up here. Rumors of snow tomorrow could delay the departure but will try to keep a positive attitude.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saga of the washing machine

As some of you know, I purchased a new washing machine recently and when it was delivered, it did not fit down the stairs to the basement.

I know I have a narrow staircase. When I bought my first washing machine back in 1991, the salesman very wisely asked me if I lived in South Minneapolis. When I said yes, he advised me to check the width of my basement staircase. With his advice I purchased a 24" washing machine that was still a full-size washer nonetheless.

The dryer was also a special size with the narrowest dimension being 25 1/2 inches.

So when I went looking for new washing machine, I knew I needed a narrow unit. I don't really need a new washer but wanted to buy something big. Most washers are 27 inches wide. That would never do. I did my research and came across the Fisher-Paykel brand washer. This is the same brand of dishwasher I have.

I bought the Fisher-Paykel dishwasher because it, too, is a special size and fit exactly where I wanted it.

The Fisher-Paykel washing machine is 25 1/2" wide so I thought it would be fine. I measured the staircase and to be honest it was a little less than 25 1/2" but...what the heck, the dryer fit 16 years ago.

Well, when they delivered the machine, there was no way it was going down those stairs. Ugh. I searched on the internet and the dealer I had purchased from for a 24" machine. When I checked those out, they were all so small and front loaders. I did not want a front loader with the cats around. I was afraid of them getting into it.

So I went to plan B. The Fisher-Paykel just had to fit. I borrowed a circular saw, masonry blades, cold chisel and big hammer from my neighbor. I cut grooves into the concrete wall on the side of the stairs that is the basement wall.

I took a hammer and chipped off the plaster from the other wall of the stairs which is the living room side. I got the tape to measure a 25 12" opening and rescheduled the delivery of the Fisher-Paykel.

Two different delivery men came. The darn thing still didn't want to go down the stairs. I signed an agreement that they could scratch it. Basically the shoved, pushed, pulled and got it down the stairs. We had to chip more away from the plaster wall and the poor thing has a pretty good scratch from some piece of metal that caught.

BUT it is in the basement and washing its first load of laundry. And just so everyone knows and because I'm an eco-freak, the Fisher-Paykel top-load is EnergyStar compliant and is almost as efficient as a front-loader.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ahh, Spring in Minnesota

Just a little Spring snow storm. Must have gotten around 4 inches or so Thursday through Friday. It looks like it snowed another 2 or 3 inches over night. Going out to shovel again.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ahhh, tis the season

Nothing like the wafting of cat hair in the air. Tis the season of shedding at the Alspaugh household.

It usually seems to come out in big clumps around the house. Blobs of grey (Uno) on the carpeting or swatches of cream (Frankie) sweeping along the hardwood floor.

The once-a-week Sunday night combing may have to go to more frequent attempts. Uno absolutely hates it. She's definitely got the most hair I have ever seen. I can comb out another cat's worth from her.

Frankie likes it but isn't patient enough. He fights it with very sharp back claws.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day parade in Minneapolis

Probably one of the few places where it snows on St. Patrick's Day. Had to go to the downtown IBM office today which also happened to be the day of the parade. And it was snowing!

Amy and her amazing popovers

Amy prepared a wonderful Irish dinner on Sunday. Very tender corned-beef, cabbage, whiskey carrots, Irish potato salad. She also made popovers.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Cadillac

Ho-hum. Had another Cadillac SRX last week. It is the SUV version of the CTS.

I am still impressed by the GM line of vehicles and the Cadillac SRX is definitely a very nice vehicle. Not much to add. The weather was beautiful this week so no cold or rain or snow challenges.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Practically a miracle

My flight was on-time! We actually pulled away from the gate a minute before scheduled. Drove directly to the runway and took off. The flight was uneventful and landed on-time also.

Now if we can get a string of these on-time events.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

From snow to 80 degrees

Cold and snowy last week where you wouldn't want to be out and about to today when it is 80 degrees and people are hanging out at the outdoor pool, playing tennis and running around the track.

Not complaining one little bit. So nice to be able to get outside. Feel the sun. Ahhhhh.

Vote Now - Vote Often

My cousin, Deb, in Kansas has entered her kitty, Benny Ray in a cutest kitty contest. I think you can vote as often as you want.

Vote for Benny Ray (I fixed the link -- thanks kathy)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Short turn around

Back to Dallas, Texas on Monday. Here's to better weather.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Finally home

It is about 12:30 Saturday morning and I am finally home in Minneapolis.

My 8:05pm flight from Dallas took off at 9:45pm. I was upgraded to first class which was nice and I had a glass of wine or two. I am not able to sleep on planes very well so tried finishing the USA Today sodoku puzzles and my electronic sodoku that Mom gave me.

I am beat and the kicker is I have to go back to Dallas Monday morning!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Pontiac G6

This was a two car week with my unexpected extra day stay due to weather.

I guess I've reviewed the Pontiac G6 before as it came up in the Title bar.

This is a fun car to drive. Snappy and as I've said before, I think the GM transmissions are some of the best.

A couple of complaints...I don't like the red-lit dials. It isn't that they are hard to read. They are just kind of disturbing looking. The pillars for the windshield are really big which makes seeing out forward right and left difficult.

Mercury Milan (again)

Had a Mercury Milan this week. This is the second time I've had this as rental vehicle. It is a nice car with a nice ride.

I was thinking that I think I could tell the difference between an American and a Japanese car blindfolded just by the ride. American cars have a stiffer, more rugged, ride where as a Japanese car is more fluid and loose.

I'm not expressing a preference for one over the other or that one is better than the other.

The Mercury Milan has auto-headlamps and auto-temperature control.

We had some bad weather with ice and snow and at one point I did think the car was going to spin out on me when crossing a bridge. Definitely started to go but it was a short stretch and as soon as I made it across to dry pavement, the vehicle was stable again. Got my heart going though.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I guess I'm just not lucky

Another snowy afternoon in Dallas. My 8pm flight was cancelled at 10:30am. I switched to the 2:25pm flight thinking that would be early enough. By the time I got to the airport the flight was moved to 2:55pm.

We boarded the plan at about 2:30 so it was looking pretty good. Once on the plane the flight departure was moved to 3:00pm...then 3:30pm...then 4:00pm then CANCELLED.

All airplanes that were parked at the gate were told to cancel. There were too many planes lined up waiting to be de-iced so it wasn't worth it for any more planes to get in line.

I have re-booked for tomorrow night. The snow is supposed to be over by morning.

Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hoopla is over

The primary campaigns in Texas are finally over. I guess it was a late night at many precincts.

Texas is the only state where you can legally vote twice in the same day. They call it the "Texas Two-Step" where they have primary voting during the day and caucus voting at night. And you are supposed to vote in both.

While Hillary won the state, Barack Obama won here in North Texas. North Texas with Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Irving, etc. is more urban than the south eand east part of the state.

Mike Hucakbee was here in Irving at the Four Seasons. We've had lunch there. John McCain was in Dallas at the Fairmont Hotel I believe. I really didn't see any of it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's snowing!!

Yes, snowing in Dallas. It isn't really sticking but has been coming down pretty good. And the crab apples have already started to bloom.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Back to Dallas

Another week coming up in Dallas...Monday 3/3 to Thursday 3/6 evening. Looks like bad weather in Dallas tomorrow. We'll see if the flight makes it on time.

Will be in Texas for the big primary day on Tuesday.

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