Sunday, February 10, 2008

Foolish or Badge of Honor

Fourteen below zero and pretty good wind this morning. It is Sunday and I almost always go to my favorite coffee shop, Isles Buns & Coffee. It is about a ten minute walk.

I got that great face mask/head covering/scarf thing from Betty for my birthday. I wore it to the Pond Hockey Championships and it worked great. Figured this would be another chance to wear it and not look like an axe murderer.

The sun was shining brightly and actually felt good. I was fine until I got to the Lagoon and there weren't any building blocking the wind. Yikes! I was headed right into it. My glasses had fogged over and now the fog was frozen. I had to take off my glasses so I could see.

I made it to the coffee shop and stayed for an hour to warm up before heading home. Walking into the sun felt good.

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