Saturday, June 19, 2021

Oregon - Jill's Birthday

 Made another trip to Oregon to see my dearest friend, Jill. It had been over a year since I travelled by plane and that trip was also to Oregon.

This trip was to attend Jill's cousin's wedding and celebrate Jill's 65th birthday.

I flew into Medford where Jill picked me up. Spent the night in Ashland then we drove to Bend, Oregon. It is only a few hours to Bend but we stopped in Rogue River Gorge (you will have to ask about Prospector Bob) and Crater Lake.

Photos do not do Crater Lake justice. It is a place you have to see and experience. We got to use my birthday present from Jill, a National Parks Senior Pass.

On to Bend via Oregon 97...very straight road through the high desert. The photos make our trip look very green and lush but we went through a good deal of desert-like areas and also burned out forests. In some places the entire forest has been burned to nothing.

The cousin's wedding was beautiful. Bend is beautiful. 

Click this YouTube link to watch a video highlights.

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