Saturday, July 7, 2018

Little video of recent cabin trip

Had another enjoyable trip up north at Jenny and Andrew's cabin. I put together this little video of the trip.

Drove up Sunday in a driving rain. I kept thinking I would get ahead of the storm but never really did. But when I arrived at the cabin on Gust Lake, the rain finally stopped.

I had developed a cold so spent most of Monday lying in the couch falling in and out of naps. Andrew left on Monday so it was Jenny and me and all the cabin neighbors.

Tuesday we went for a bike ride and explored Little Cascade Lake. 

I finally got to go up to the cabin on the hill on Tuesday, July 3. There is a fantastic view from up there. Tuesday night the neighbors put on a fireworks show. There were some big fireworks.

Wednesday, July 4, the weather cleared enough to go canoeing. It was fantastic.

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