Saturday, November 21, 2015




  1. the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way:
    "a fortunate stroke of serendipity" ·
    synonyms: (happy) chance · (happy) accident · fluke · luck ·
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I met Rose, JT and Linda for breakfast and found out that the bank where my safety deposit box is is closing. Rose has a safety deposit box there, too. She got a letter but I have not.

JT and Linda were taking Rose to the bank so she could close her safety deposit account. I went along to close mine out, too.

A banker opened our boxes and we took the contents. I went with that banker to do the closing paperwork. Rose went back upstairs to get another banker to do the closing paperwork.

It took a while to do my transaction because the account was under Jill's name...the original owner. The process required searching for my name using different spelling. I noticed that the baker's name was also Jeffrey...spelled the usual way.

Rose was done before me. As we left, she said goodbye to her banker, Rose, and I said goodbye to my banker, Jeff! Serendipity!

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