Sunday, May 31, 2015

Half marathon for real

Ran my first half marathon. Many thanks to Tracy and Brooke. It was Tracy that wanted to do this but needed encouragement which I agreed to help with.

Tracy got a training program that I participated partially in. My recent cold was a potential training breaker. I wasn't able to get in the last long run and was feeling that 13.1 miles was going to be too much of a challenge.

Then Tracy was injured during her long training run. She took the last two weeks off and was very nervous for the run.

I got in three shorter runs in the past week and was feeling better.

Tracy's friend Brooke joined is for one training run and it was pretty much set that we would do the run together. To be honest I needed the gals to slow my pace in order for me to run the full half marathon and not burn out. We supported and encouraged each other. All three of us made new personal distance runs today.

photo credit to Tracy's Dad, Rick

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Exterior Paint Project

Finally after hiring a contractor back in the first of April, the exterior paint project is completed. The garage including trim but excluding the stucco and the back (west-facing) side of the house are freshly painted.

The crew of Reach Higher Painting did a very nice job.

The garage was dingy and the doors were kind of dinged up so a fresh coat of paint really makes a difference.

The west side of the house was a real mess. Both the body and the trim were peeling and cracking badly. The other sides have survived the weather so much better. The trim can definitely be refreshed around but certainly not like the west side.

freshly painted

enlarge to see the 'before' condition

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

MN AIDS Walk 2015

The day started rainy and cool. After we wrapped up registration and money drop off, it began to pour down rain.

It was sprinkling a bit when we started at 10:30 but the clouds soon began to part and the sun came out. It turned in to a lovely day.

There are definitely fewer walkers each year. The rainy start also did not help. However, Rosie's Art Ensemble Team raised a record breaking $19,000+. Many thanks to our team and our sponsors.

trying to stay dry

the sun came out
Rosie's Art Ensemble
The team:
Mary Burns-Klinger
Sarah, Simon, Hunter and Kagan Gullickson
Michelle and Quinn Connelly
Jeff Alspaugh
Meghan Copley
Leslie Hunter-Larson
Bunny Lammi
Michele Hoffman
Kelly Menard
James Harrington
Jane Burk
Amy Moe
Christine, Alex and Terry Severns-Williams
Joe Tretter

Monday, May 18, 2015

New York - part 2

Tuesday morning Jill and I went downtown to see the 9-11 Memorial site and Freedom Tower. Upon leaving the subway at street level, we were confronted with people trying to sell photo brochures of the memorial and the terrorist attacks. The sellers thrust these images in your face. It is abrupt and very unwelcomed.

The memorial site is calming and comforting. The trees and waterfalls are a beautiful tribute to all those that lost their loves on 9-11.

As part of celebrating Jill's mom, we went to Serendipity on East 60th. Jill brought some of Joan's ashes which she sprinkled on yellow tulips we put outside of the restaurant.

Jill ordered a frozen hot chocolate as soon as we sat down. It was her mom's favorite.

Jill's friend Laralu met us for the rest of lunch. I left them to catch up with each other and went down to Greenwich Village to meet an old theatre friend, Rebecca. We had high tea and a good time catching up ourselves.
Tuesday evening we went to the American Ballet Theatre performance at the Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center.

ABT is celebrating their 75th anniversary. We were treated to three pieces from their repertory. The first piece was classic Russian-style - beautiful costumes and regal ballet.

The second was a French-titled piece, The Lilac. A story of a woman promised to a man she does not love and denied the man she does. There was a moment when the characters are all on stage and freeze in a very long tableaux... then she steps out of the frozen image and makes a haunting move toward the love she is denied. It was incredible.

The third piece was Rodeo. Wow! Aaron Copeland's music and Agnes DeMille's choreography. Wow!
Wednesday we went to two shows. Before the 2pm matinee of An American In Paris, we stopped at Sardi's. Jill ran into a woman she worked with at Oregon Shakespeare. New York and theatre are a small world.

An American In Paris, the musical, is stunning. Jill's friend, Veanne Cox is in the show and graciously met us afterward.
We met a couple of actors Jill knows from Oregon Shakespeare for dinner at a Brazilian/Cuban bean and rice restaurant. That evening we went to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. An incredible play based on an autistic boy's life.

Our friend Helen Carey is a member of the ensemble. If you have a chance to see this show, definitely do.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

New York City! -- part 1

Got back Thursday from a wonderful trip to New York City with my dearest friend, Jill Rendall. Jill received the Del Hughes Life Time Achievement Award in the art of stage management from the Stage Managers' Association.

We arrived Saturday evening. The cab ride into Manhattan from LaGuardia as fine until we got near Times Square and traffic came to a stand still. We exited the cab and launched into Times Square with are suitcases in tow.... classic tourists.

We stayed at the Belvedere on 48th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues. It is a very nice hotel and perfectly located. Ate dinner at a local Italian restaurant recommended by the hotel doorman then wondered through Times Square again.

Sunday morning I went for a run along the Hudson River Riverwalk.

Sunday was our chance to catch up with old friends and see New York apartments.

Saw John Arnone's apartment on the upper west side and had brunch at Spring. John always has great stories.

After brunch we decided to see a Broadway matinee performance of Matilda the Musical. It was loud, cruel and very funny.
Sunday afternoon we met up with my old neighbors Sari Ketter and Mather Dolph at their apartment in mid-town near the river. We went across the street to Market Diner where it as obvious they are very much regulars.

Sunday evening we were back up the upper west side to 93rd to see Robin Rumpf's apartment and have sushi with Robin and Jana Llynn. I have known Jana since my early theatre days at Arena Stage in Washington.
Monday I met with my old Karate instructor, Art Drago. Artie was in New York visiting his mom for Mother's Day. We had a late breakfast at Westway Diner then headed over to Times Square to check out the madness.
 Monday evening was the awards event. There were three recipients of the Life Time Achievement award.

Jill read a lovely acceptance speech. Many friends and co-workers were there to celebrate.
The award is a nice engraved Plexiglas star.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Basie and Me

A brunch to celebrate Spring.

Kay hosted a colorful and tasteful (taste-filled) brunch. The food was great. The friends were fun. And Kay's rabbit Basle loved me. He is so adorable and cuddly. Photo credit goes to Rachel.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Apple blossoms

After being concerned all winter about the backyard apple tree, I can rest easy. The apple tree is blossoming. Last Fall the apple tree did not drop its leaves. I was concerned that there was something wrong.

Seeing the beautiful pink blossoms seems to indicate that the tree is doing okay. So go ahead and save the date for Apple Fest 2015...the last Sunday in September.