Saturday, July 5, 2014

I completed my first Half-Marathon

Yes. I did it. I signed up for a half marathon race... the Red, White and Boom... part of the July 4th festivities in Minneapolis.

The race started at 6:30am! It was a beautiful day. I had not trained at all for this which was pretty stupid on my part but I decided I would not back out. I was doing this on my own without the running group.

Here I am at the start (which you can see way in the back ground). I think you can see the trepidation on my face.

There was one familiar face in the crowd. My state senator, Scott Dibble, who runs in lots of these kinds of races. He was there and very encouraging.
And here I am at the finish... having gotten a raisin roll, banana and water.

I was very very happy with my time - 2 hers 11 minutes. I came in at an overall 10 minutes per mile pace.

I admit to walking parts of the second half. I did run the entire first half, 6.5 miles.  There was an incredibly nice woman who gave me encouragement on miles 7 through 9.

Following the race when I finally stopped for a bit I got some awful cramps in my calves... especially my right calf and even up into my quads. It was fairly short-lived but painful.  Jenny and Andrew rode their bikes down to cheer me on. They just missed my finish but I was so grateful that they showed up. We had breakfast at Wilde Roast. It was fantastic.

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