Saturday, June 21, 2014

Helping out Rose and her front yard

Rose's front yard is slowly being washed down to the sidewalk. Grass isn't really growing and mud and rocks are creating a gully.

How it is now.
 We didn't really have a plan but figured terracing was going to be the best alternative. Using what we had which was 2x4's and stakes, we were able to create two out of four terrace sections before it got too hot.
Our take on 'American Gothic'

The son was hot and patience was thin.

But really we had a good time.
 We retreated to my back yard for shade, beer, wine and Popeye's fried chicken.

Came back Sunday to finish the construction phase. A trip to the hardware store for another flower box and Menards for more 2x4's. Rose and I were pretty tired. Going to let the dirt settle for a week or so. I have more dirt for fill in the top terrace.
Day #2. Construction complete.

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