Friday, July 26, 2013

Boundary Waters Canoe Area, BWCA, Wilderness trip

Another great trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area wilderness. Adventurers this year were regulars Jenny and Brian. Our new adventurer was Martha. Her last trip to BWCA was 25+ years ago.

We spent Saturday night at Jenny and Andrew's cabin on Gust Lake. Our entry point was Brule Lake which was only 5 miles from the cabin.  Our destination was north of Brule in Davis Lake.  The first three portages were paddle-thru because the water levels were so so high from all the spring and summer rain.
The happy campers at Brule Lake entry.

Jenny and Brian powering through rapids.

It took 4 hours to get to Davis Lake. The last portage was kind of tough. Long (165 rods) and steep was a challenge but it was the only real portage on the trip.  Sunday turned out to be the warmest day on the trip so the swim felt really good.

There were only two campsites on the lake. We were able to get the one we had planned which was a good thing. The other site was really not usable. The second campsite was in a burned out area with no trees and no protection.
Lots of blueberries at our campsite.

Our campsite on Davis Lake.
Tuesday we hiked the 305 rod portage to Kiskadinna Lake. This trail has not been used very much. It was very overgrown. We saw several moose tracks and poop but no moose.  There was a fantastic pond and lots of water cascades along the trail.
Davis Lake paddle.

Back on Davis Lake we paddled to the east end and walked to Pup Lake view. It was beautiful view of smaller lake.
Pup Lake

One of many frogs we encountered. This guy was very photogenic.

Hiker fashionistas.

Dramatic sunset (not fire).

End of the trip...back at cabin.
The map of our trip. The big lake is Brule where we put in.

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