Saturday, April 20, 2013

Almost unbeleivable

The forecast was for rain during the day and changing to snow at night. Instead it started to snow Thursday late morning and never really rained at all.

By the ride home it was messy and slushy.  By Friday morning we ended up with 8-10 inches by my estimate.  It was a heavy wet snow.

This is past mid-April. I cannot recall getting this much snow this late and
There was some sun yesterday so there was melting but since it got down into the 20's this morning, the stuff is still around.

It is now Saturday and the sun is out again so more melting.  It is forecast to snow a bit more tonight then change to rain...we'll see.  Then Sunday night more snow! 
The drinking fountain arrow at the Mozaic Art Park.  The snow Thursday and Friday was wet and coming in sideways.  The arrow is supposed to be all blue.

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