Monday, April 18, 2011

Not off to a very good start

Had an early (for me these days) flight to Chicago this morning.  Very long lines at security mostly thanks to the use of the body scanners.  Those machines take a lot longer than the metal detectors.  I had taken into account that  Monday morning was going to be slow so I was concerned with the extra long lines.

What I had not expected was having the captain announce that we were delayed because of weather at O'Hare.  And he made the announcement right as the plane door was closing.

We had to taxi out to a holding area because another plane needed our gate.  We sat out there for nearly an hour before getting clearance to takeoff.

Once we got going it was clear sailing.  Now I'm back in the Chicago area -- Rosemont to be precise. It has been a few years since I actually got out of O'Hare airport...I've just had to make connections.

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