Friday, January 17, 2025

Lowkey Birthday

This post is really just to note that I shaved my beard 😊 Have not been a very celebratory mood lately so kept this year's bday to a minimum. Thank you, Amy, for arranging but sad you could not be there. Thank you, Jane, Bunny, Jenny, and especially Loretta for driving all the way down to lift my spirits.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Palm Springs for the New Year

Decided to take my friend Chris' invitation to come to Palm Springs for New Year's. Flew Sun Country on the 30th. Chris made reservations at Trio for dinner with friends for New Year's Eve. It was very pleasant.

Chris and I ended staying up past 1am getting caught up and reminiscing. 

I went for a short run on the 1st to take in all the flowering bushes and the different cacti.

Chris' condo has a heated pool, and he swims every morning. I joined in a few times. It was very nice. On the 2nd hiked the South Lykken Trail with Chris' friend, Kevin. After the hike, Chris and I went to my friend's Bud rented house for wine and cheese. Bud's brother David and sister-in-law, Mabel, were there. We decided to have dinner at The Tropicale, a swanky place.

Before heading to the airport on the 3rd, Chris and I met Bud, David, and Mabel at Spencer's for a delicious prix fixe lunch. The return flight was an hour delayed (seems to be a thing with Sun Country) but overall a good flight.

Returned to super cold weather so it was nice to get away for a while.