Sunday, March 11, 2018

More Charleston West Virginia

The weather wasn't very nice this week in Charleston. It even snowed some. There is some interesting architecture to explore.

There is an old hotel next to the office. The lobby has been dramatically changed for the way worse but this fantastic clock remains.

This incredible convergence of jet trails. Kind of defines the area as flyover country

I thought is reflection was neat. Contrasting the old and the new.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

On the road again - Charleston, WV

Back in January I started corporate work again. And back in technology. This time for a health insurance and solution company located in a suburb of Minneapolis.

I am working on a project that occasionally takes me to Charleston, West Virginia. This week is my second trip. The weather was nice enough on Tuesday to go for a comfortable 4+ mile run along the river that goes through Charleston, the Kanawha River.

It is a nice run with a lower level nearer the river and an upper level at street. The turn around was the capitol building. There is a state-wide teachers' strike happening this week and they were protesting in front of the capitol.

Yes, there are daffodils blooming already.

A tug pushing several coal barges down the river.

The West Virginia state capitol with the moon over head.